5 hour hike | 34^o | Feb 2024
nickandprincess.com have been travelling. Exploring! Discovering! Embracing adventures in Zambia!
Princess had the privilege of embarking on one of the internationally recognised Award Winning Hikes that mwilaadventure.com offers: The 13km Kafue River Walk "Naboye Trail" in Kafue Town, Zambia.
Watch our mini vlog on YouTube
[Duration: 2.5minutes ]
Surrounded by nature, sun-kissed and breathing in deep breaths of fresh air, there was very little that didn't call for my attention. The wafer thin dusty soil hugged my sock ankles and my shoes, powdering their dyed cotton colours with a faint, flavourful mink-yellow.
Above us, the sharp blue sky frivolously hosted tuffs of bright white cloud remnants, like popcorn. The horizon maintained its steady stature; luscious hills pouring aged trees, distant paths, and inviting shady shadows.
The air was calm, very hot, but non-invasive, unless taunted as we did. Conversation around me was inspired and positive. Smiles and laughter vibrated alongside the tall swaying grass from both residents and guests. Beneath the sticky sweat plastering layers of SPF cream to our repellent soaked skin, body language interpreted determination to complete the challenge - to complete the hike!
The practical stuff
It has been unusually hot in Zambia with no rainfall. It was very easy to get hot and dehydrated. The company provides its clients with a checklist guide prior to the adventure, here is what helped me:
minimum of 3 litres water
juice/ginger beer
mosquito repellent
sun screen
proper walking shoes
Vaseline / lip balm
snacks [a packed lunch is provided to all hikers. We had scrumptious chicken burgers!)
good attitude
Photo library
"It was a beautiful hike that was professionally organised. I found it to be an excellent, unique experience of Zambia and its local tourism and culture. Here's to the next adventure!"
~ Princess G, Oxfordshire, UK